From separating waste to using only plastic-free packaging and products. Everyone has their own ideas and approach to be sustainable. Today, the first Tuesday of September is Sustainable Tuesday in the Netherlands. During this day, hundreds of sustainable ideas and initiatives from society will be presented to the government. As an organization it is also important to be sustainable and to take the environment into account when making (strategic) choices. Not only because legislation and regulations often oblige you to do so, but also because it gives your organization a good (and green) image. Managing packaging such as trolleys, plates and plastic pallets can also be managed in a sustainable way. You can read how to do that in this article.

Sustainable packaging

Sustainable means nothing less than that something has as little impact on the environment as possible. Therefore, sustainable packaging would mean that it is packaging that has as little impact on the environment as possible. There are two types of packaging to choose from: single-use packaging and reusable packaging. Single-use packaging can often be used once, such as cardboard boxes, buckets or bags. These products should be purchased on a regular basis, but the purchase cost of single-use packaging is low. Reusable packaging, also known as returnable transport items (RTIs), last longer and include plastic pallets, Danish carts, (bread) crates, dolly’s and CC containers. The purchase costs are higher, but last longer.

In terms of packaging, reusable packaging is the sustainable packaging compared to single-use packaging. If you, as an organization, have already made the choice for reusable packaging, then you are already working sustainably. However, it is also important that you are able to use your packaging continuously by means of a circular system.

Packaging in a circular system

Circularity, we’ve written about this before, but it’s still necessary to mention it again. A circular economy means that raw materials retain their value through sustainable use or reuse. As far as packaging is concerned, this means that your packaging continues to be used in an infinite cycle. Your packaging must therefore be returned, repaired and washed, so that your packaging is used again and again.

It is important that your packaging is returned to you. Buying packaging such as carts, crates, barrels and plastic pallets every year again is not sustainable. Of course there will be a number of load carriers that fail and can no longer be used. Here too it is important to recycle these. If you want to avoid purchasing multiple carts, plates, barrels and other load carriers every year, it is important that you always have insight into where your load carriers are and from whom you can expect load carriers in return. This brings us to the following sustainable application: packaging registration.

Packaging registration is sustainable

If you have opted for reusable packaging and decided to use packaging sustainably in a circular system, it is important to register and manage packaging online. With the online packaging registration system TrackOnline, you can easily register and manage your packaging online. Efficient management of reusable packaging is important to prevent you from losing your packaging. With TrackOnline you have real-time overview of the numbers and location of your carts, plates, blankets and other packaging. This way you no longer have to purchase extra carts, plates, barrels and other load carriers at the end of the year. In addition, transporters can drive more efficient routes when there is insight into the numbers of packaging at each location.

How sustainably do you manage your packaging? Are you already working on the realization of a circular system for your products and packaging? With TrackOnline you can continue to use your packaging sustainably and you will always have an overview of where your packaging is located. Would you like more information or do you have questions about TrackOnline? Feel free to send an e-mail to . We will be pleased to answer your questions and tell you more about what TrackOnline can do for your organization.