The first quarter of 2021 is already finished and in the past three months we have developed mAs the year flies by, it’ s so fast that we’ve put together the quarterly update for the second and third quarter. We discuss the key updates and new features and explain the benefits and impact it has on you as a customer. any improvements and updates in our packaging registration platform TrackOnline. You can read some of the most important updates below.

Mobile application

The updates for the mobile application are available for all licenses. We have added an easier way of signing off digitally. This allows you to sign off for both incoming and outgoing items at the same time. In addition, it is possible to sign off for multiple transactions at once that are not related to each other. Attachments, such as a signature or an image, can also be added to multiple transactions at once.

Trip overview

Several extensions and options have been added to the trip overview. This makes it possible to filter within the trip overview on an item configuration. Previously only all trips were visible and from now on it is possible to display trips for a specific item configuration.

In addition, it is possible to filter in the trip overview on transactions without a trip number. This prevents certain transactions from not being processed because the transactions were not processed in a trip. Select the button in the overview where you indicate that you would like to see trips without a trip number. In this way you can easily filter out transactions for which there is no trip number yet and, if desired, a trip can be created.

TrackOnline update - filter transactions without trip number

Another update is the possibility to create new transactions from within the trip overview. Previously, this was only possible using the transaction screen and the trip number had to be added. By creating transactions from within the trip overview, the trip number is immediately filled in correctly. It is very easy to make them. Go to the trip overview and click on ‘Actions’ in a trip number and then on ‘Add transaction’. Here you can fill in the desired transaction type. These new features are available starting from a TrackOnline PRO license.


Several updates have been realized for the functionality fees in TrackOnline, making working with this feature even easier and faster. It is now possible to set a separate fee for each item condition. For example, a different fee can be set for items that are dirty because they need to be washed. Previously, this had to be entered manually. In addition, corrections are now included directly in the correction transaction and in the financial calculation. For example, when too much has been delivered and a correction is made, the original fees to these items are also settled and processed in the financial calculation.

It is also now possible to set a different fee for each location. It can happen that you have different agreements with a certain location about fees other than the regular fees. When creating a transaction the standard fees will be taken into account at first, unless other fees have been agreed upon for a location, then the standard fees will be overwritten. This can be set under the account of the location (see image). The above updates are available from a TrackOnline PRO license.

Location network

Enhanced possibilities for setting up transactions and options have been added for the location network. While it was already possible to set which locations you are connected to, from now on it is also possible to set whether you can send items/transactions to and/or receive them from specific locations in the network. Previously it was only possible to set both (send and receive) and now it is possible to specifically choose to send or receive (or both). If you currently have network locations set, you can now turn these options on or off. This update is available from a STANDARD license.

Invite relations to view your administration

A new feature is available that allows you to invite relations to view your administration. By doing so, the relation becomes an external user in your administration. When this user also has their own TrackOnline account, it’s possible for them to switch between their own administration and your administration. Depending on the rights set for external users, they can view certain information and perform actions, such as placing an order. The advantage of this is that both your customers and you are able to check which transactions have been made and what their status is. The same transaction with the same information is visible to both parties. This update is available from a TrackOnline PRO license.

A new way of logging in

In order to better protect data, the login screen has been changed for both mobile and desktop. In the new login screen it is possible to login with the registered email address in addition to the username. Additionally, the option to display the password disappears. The icon with the eye, which stands next to the password, is no longer visible. This update is implemented for all TrackOnline licenses.

Other updates

– Prices can be registered up to four decimals. This allows for more precise calculations that are more accurately traceable in reports and transactions. Naturally, it is still possible to use two decimal places. This update is available for all licenses.

– Balance reports per location can now also be shared with locations and works the same as sending transaction reports. This update is available for all licenses.

– Per transaction type you can set which item conditions you want to use. For STANDARD licenses the item conditions can be set for all transactions. If you have a PRO license you can specify which item conditions can be used for each transaction type.

– More options are available in the transaction process. For example, you can add an extra status: in dispute. It is also possible to enter multiple reasons for change. This update is available for PRO license and higher.

– Using business rules it is possible to automatically add or remove a transaction tag.  You can specify which conditions it should meet and then apply filters to these specific tags in the overview. This is available for PRO licenses and higher.